Methodology & Trainings
A Multi-dimensional Approach
Methodology & Training
COMPLEXITY (being able for the crazy of this world, with all its wonder and contradictions)
We work in complexity, If 2020 has taught us anything, in the unpredictable and the ambiguous. Being able to act with clarity, agility and wisdom, and with compassion…Working with the unknown, and holding the liminal spaces of transformation, particularly as large organizational structures are asked to morph & adapt to the new.
Trainings / Toolkits: Cynefin with Cultivating Leadership
POLARITIES (holding dissonance and tension)
As part of complexity, we are always caught in dynamic tension, between this and that - Rilke’s gift of describing how humans are neither wholly clay nor angelic. Working actively with these dynamic tensions at the individual, group, and collective levels is important - making these tensions visible and therefore able to be navigated.
Trainings / Toolkits:
Barry Johnson
Beena Sharma Polarity Management
ADULT DEVELOPMENT (spiral dynamics)
Understanding as a psychologist and practitioner what human development and maturation looks like over lifespan, how we evolve and become increasingly “able for” the complexity of the world is super important. Everyone’s journey is unique, and we all come into this through different doorways so being able to meet people wherever they are at also means being facile in different modalities. It is a continuous spiral, and we weave in a diverse set of toolkits and training to work at different dimensions of the spiral.
Trainings / Toolkits:
Leadership Circle 360 Instrument
MAP (Maturity Assessment for Adults)
Myers Briggs Certification
Strengths Finders
Integral Theory (Ken Wilber)
Reichian Energy Patterns (somatic)
Jungian Voice Dialogue
Action Inquiry with Bill Torbert
Nothing happens without our attention and in an era where there are disparate, fragmented, constant bids for our attention, how do we drink from a deeper well, experience our own depth and presence, and being in that space with others as leaders? Holding a stable presence as a leader is the starting point for widening the well amongst a team.
Trainings / Toolkits:
Soto Zen
Vipassana Meditation
This is about scaling personal impact in the organizational and systems space. We interface with that which is larger than ourselves, and need presence and intentionality to create more coherence and alignment than bureaucracy and chaos.
Trainings / Toolkits:
Robert Gass’ Art of Leadership
Chris Argyris’ Action Design