Core Ethos
Guiding principles of Alignment
Ethos Essence
1. ALIGNMENT – Helping organizations come into coherent Alignment with their vision, values and purpose, by uncovering the essence with the mythic and mundane. “Culture eats strategy for breakfast. If you don’t understand what motivates your people, the best laid plans will go awry. Gayle Karen Young helps organizations navigate the messy reality of creating alignment behind a shared vision, by building on shared values and passion of its culture and people.”
2. EMBODIMENT – Bringing the whole human to work. Activating the deep body knowing to navigate through complex problems to access the simplicity of Truth. “Sight, smell, hearing, touch, taste — sensing — inform our deepest longings, our reactions and our biased interpretations.”
3. ETHICS – Getting clear on the virtues and values towards what makes a thriving culture where people can make the best contributions to society at large. Bringing in all the modalities of human development and psychology helps offer the virtues & ethics for win-win culture for All.

Core Virtues
North Star: Enlivening the Moral Imagination
Delight / Joy / Adventure
Love / Authenticity / Presence
Full openness / Authentic curiosity / Compassion
Ego-less Leadership / Devotional Service
Inviting / Attuned / Empathetic
Integration of Opposites / Embracing polarities / Embracing complexity / Breathing with uncertainty
Composure within intensity / Embodying beauty & grace
“We must risk delight. To make injustice the only measure of our attention is to praise the devil.” These lines by poet Jack Gilbert capture the necessity of remembering to experience joy. There is plenty enough suffering to go around, and indeed, the capacity to carry that suffering is deeply and intrinsically related to our capacity for joy, but I think it deserves that extra reminder.”
“Gayle can solve problems I’ve never seen anyone else solve. Her strength lies in understanding relationships between people, especially in the context of organizations with a nuance and precision that I have never encountered in another person. She does this by listening. Profoundly. Drawing upon her vast training and background in organizational psychology, she creates and supports you through frameworks that are sophisticated enough to capture complexity and simple enough to deploy right away. She artfully guides people through hard conversation, facilitating thoughtful understanding rather than fiery debate.”
— Quote Source